newstring = strrep(orgstring, word1,word2)
strrep 함수는 orgstring에서 word1을 찾아서 word2로 바꾸어 newstring에 저장한다.
str1 = 'lonesome';
str2 = strrep(str1,'lone', 'awe');
결과 str2 = 'awesome'
STRREP Replace string with another.
occurrences of the string OLDSUBSTR within string ORIGSTR with the
* STRREP accepts input combinations of single strings, strings in
scalar cells, and same-sized cell arrays of strings. If any inputs
are cell arrays, STRREP returns a cell array.
* STRREP does not find empty strings for replacement. That is, when
ORIGSTR and OLDSUBSTR both contain the empty string (''), STRREP does
not replace '' with the contents of NEWSUBSTR.
% Example 1: Replace text in a character array.
claim = 'This is a good example';
new_claim = strrep(claim, 'good', 'great')
new_claim =
This is a great example.
% Example 2: Replace text in a cell array.
c_files = {'c:\cookies.m'; ...
'c:\candy.m'; ...
d_files = strrep(c_files, 'c:', 'd:')
d_files =
% Example 3: Replace text in a cell array with values in a second cell
% array.
missing_info = {'Start: __'; ...
'End: __'};
dates = {'01/01/2001'; ...
complete = strrep(missing_info, '__', dates)
complete =
'Start: 01/01/2001'
'End: 12/12/2002'
See also strfind, regexprep.
Reference page in Help browser
doc strrep
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